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Science Lab

Agile Bioscience: Your Partner in Amino Acid Analysis

Unlock the secrets of your proteins and peptides with Agile Bioscience's precise amino acid analysis services. Our advanced techniques, including the Shimadzu PPSQ-53A, deliver accurate amino acid sequencing and quantification.

Discover Precise Amino Acid Composition

Amino acid analysis is a critical tool for determining the composition of proteins, peptides, and other amino acid-containing samples. This technique breaks down peptide bonds, revealing the building blocks that determine a protein's structure and function.

Simplify Your Workflow with the Shimadzu PPSQ-53A

The Shimadzu PPSQ-53A streamlines your amino acid analysis with these key advantages:

  • Automated Sequencing: Analyze multiple samples in succession, allowing for continuous identification of amino acid sequences.

  • Optimized Edman Degradation: Cleave amino acids from the protein's N-terminal with precision and efficiency for reliable results.

  • Online HPLC Integration: Derivitized PTH-amino acids are directly analyzed, saving you time and effort.

Experience the benefits of Agile Bioscience Amino Acid Analysis:

  • Accurate amino acid identification

  • Streamlined sample processing

  • Reliable, reproducible results

Upgrade your amino acid analysis capabilities with Agile Bioscience and the Shimadzu PPSQ-53A.

Image of an Amino Acid Analysis

Amino Acid Analysis

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