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Agile BioScience: Empowered by Advanced Instrumentation

Our Instrumentations

Our commitment to comprehensive protein characterization is backed by a suite of cutting-edge instruments. We deliver precise analysis at accessible prices, accelerating your biopharmaceutical development.

Mass Spectrometry:


Protein Sequencing:

Capillary Electrophoresis:

Optima Analytical Ultracentrifuge ( SV-AUC )

  • Analytical ultracentrifugation provides useful information on the size and shape of macromolecules in solution with very few restrictions on the sample or the nature of protein.​

Biophysical Characterization:

Sub-Visible Characterization:

Our Commitment:

We continually invest in new technologies and optimize our workflows to provide state-of-the-art protein characterization at competitive prices.

Contact us to learn how our instrumentation can power your research.

Lab Worker

Agile BioScience: Establishing Biosimilarity with Precision

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