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Agile Bioscience: Mastering Intact Molecular Weight Analysis for Biotherapeutic Characterization

Intact molecular weight analysis is a cornerstone of biotherapeutic development and quality control. Agile Bioscience offers cutting-edge solutions to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of your intact mass analysis workflows.

Our Intact Molecular Weight Analysis Expertise

  • Regulatory-Aligned Techniques: We employ methods meeting ICH Topic Q6 guidelines, including size exclusion chromatography, CE-SDS, and advanced mass spectrometry.

  • Ultra-Sensitive Instrumentation: Our TripleTOF 6600+ System delivers exceptional sensitivity and resolution for comprehensive molecular profiling.

  • High-Throughput Capabilities: We optimize workflows to analyze large numbers of samples, streamlining your discovery, process development, and stability studies.

Benefits of Partnering with Agile Bioscience

  • Accurate Mass Confirmation: Verify the precise molecular weight of biotherapeutics.

  • In-Depth Heterogeneity Profiling: Identify and characterize modifications and impurities.

  • Wide Dynamic Range: Detect both major and minor isoforms for a complete picture.

  • Uncompromising Quality: Ensure regulatory compliance and confidence in your results.

Accelerate your biotherapeutic development with Agile Bioscience's Intact Molecular Weight Analysis. Contact us to learn more!

Intact Molecular Weight Analysis

Lab Worker

Agile Bioscience: Mastering Glycosylation Analysis for Optimal Biopharmaceuticals

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