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Lab Work

Agile BioScience: Visualizing Particle Contaminants with Micro-Flow Imaging

Micro Flow Imaging (MFI)

The instructional chapter USP<1787> mentions MFI as a possible orthogonal technique for subvisible particle analysis in addition to light obscuration. Micro-Flow Imaging (MFI) is an essential tool for characterizing sub-visible particles in biopharmaceuticals, ensuring product purity and patient safety. Agile BioScience employs MFI to provide comprehensive particle analysis services.

Why MFI Matters:

  • Direct Visualization: MFI captures high-resolution images of particles, allowing for identification and morphological analysis.

  • Sizing and Quantification: Determines the size distribution and concentration of particles across a wide range.

  • Particle Identification: MFI, coupled with morphological analysis and other techniques, aids in distinguishing protein aggregates from foreign contaminants.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Supports thorough particle characterization in line with regulatory guidances.

Our Approach:

  • Advanced MFI Systems: We leverage the MFI 5000 series or comparable systems for high-quality particle imaging and analysis.

  • The digital images of the particles present in the sample are processed by image morphology analysis software that allows their quantification in size and count.

  • Data-Driven Guidance: We interpret MFI data to provide insights into the nature of particles and potential sources of contamination.

Benefits of Choosing Agile BioScience:

  • Comprehensive Particle Characterization: Gain a deep understanding of particle types, quantities, and sizes in your product.

  • Troubleshooting Support: Identify the root causes of particulate matter and optimize manufacturing processes to minimize contamination.

  • Confidence in Product Purity: Ensure your biopharmaceuticals meet stringent quality standards for patient safety.

Contact us to learn how MFI can safeguard your biopharmaceutical products.

Lab Worker

Agile BioScience: High-Performance Analysis with Liquid Chromatography

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